Previous ASME Award Winner

Capstone Design Projects

The Dark Cool Helmet

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 8

Team Members

Yazan Farkh
Samuel Scott
Kyle Webster
Frederick Wrightson

Contact Team
The "Dark Cool Helmet" Project, sponsored by Wearable Sensing, aims to improve their fNIR+EEG headset product's reliability. Designed to prevent sensor saturation from sweat or light intrusion, the project also prioritizes user comfort, marketability, and product longevity. By utilizing active cooling and light-blocking subsystems, combined with custom and off-the-shelf components, the helmet promises an affordable, reliable solution.
Assembled Final Prototype

Illumina Fluid Cartridge Project

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 21

Team Members

Bryson Pierce
Chen Liu
Josie Han
Syed Rizvi

Contact Team
Illumina shipped their fluid cartridges with dry ice to keep reagents at the right temperature but due to environmental impact and shipping costs, the company decided to use lyophilization. The reagents are dehydrated and rehydrated back on site so the company needs an efficient mixing strategy to make genome sequencing more efficient.
Annotated image of Cartridge

Air Powered Soft Robotic Toy

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 22

Team Members

Sofia Guerrero
Gabrielle Hart
Drago Vasile
Hector Arredondo
Antoinette Gautier

Contact Team
The goal of this project was to improve on the design of the "Huggable Pet", a soft robotic toy for children ages 6-12 that is designed to hug using a completely air powered system.
Sammy the Sloth

SE ARMOR Lab Smart Pill Bottle

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 23

Team Members

Johnny Nguyen
Gabe Dommes
Jayden Wood
Alec Bronson Wheelan

Contact Team
Partnering with UC San Diego's Active, Responsive, Multifunctional, and Ordered-materials Research (ARMOR) Lab and SANO Healthcare Consultants, our project aims to produce a custom pill bottle cap that is able to dispense a single pill at a time for different types and shapes of pills, and be operated by one hand with a low-cost multifunctional cap
Smart Pill Bottle Cap placed on prescription pill bottle on white background


2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 27

Team Members

Michael Hobrock
Melissa Chan
Gus Blankenberg
Tommy Sardarian
Sara An

Contact Team
In order to keep track of climate change, it's important to measure oceanic data from all areas of the ocean; however, shorelines are difficult to measure due to their constantly changing environments. In order to combat this issue, the Smartfin was made. The Smartfin is a custom surfboard fin that can measure oceanic metrics using embedded electronics. Our team's goals were to create a documentation process for the construction of these fins, and to strengthen them.
Surfboard Fin Made Out of Resin and Fiberglass

Instrumented Epidural Needle Injector

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 31

Team Members

Natalia Berrios-Rivera
Dylan Cullinane
Eason Lai
Ashley Manalad

Contact Team
This device uses two pressure sensors and a piezoelectric pump to measure the pressure drop in the system as the needle advances through the different layers of a patient’s tissue. The device attaches to an epidural needle, accurately detects the resistance the needle feels, and notifies the doctor once the needle enters the epidural space.
CAD model of exterior of Instrumented Epidural Needle Injector

High-precision system for humidifying dry air streams in greenhouse gas analyzers

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 29

Team Members

Rayan Ahmed
Alisha Cerniglia
Johnathan Low
Diego Ramirez
Alan Vu

Contact Team
The high-precision system for humidifying dry air streams in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) analyzers is necessary for researchers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography to accurately measure GHG content in the atmosphere. This requires the introduction of a stable air sample with adjustable moisture content into their GHG analyzers. This project’s goal is to design a mixing chamber and attached piezo circuit to atomize dry air to a range of 0.01-1% that can be used to calibrate the optical GHG analyzers.
Image shows humidification chamber connected to Piezo atomizer circuit and test stand.

Sustainable Flow Chemistry System

2021-2022 - Winter

Team: 3

Team Members

Eden Detmer
Zaivy Gonzalez Valencia
Shravan Suresh
Nhat Tang

Flow chemistry systems provide a safer and more efficient means to conduct chemical reactions that traditional laboratory methods. Commercial flow systems are prohibitively expensive, so, many low cost, DIY flow systems have been developed. This project focuses on improving existing DIY flow systems to enhance functionality and usability.
Image shows a computer monitor with GUI and two modular syringe holders with servo motor refill mechanisms.

Neubo Air Soft Robotics

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 14

Team Members

Antonio Aguirre
Jenny Hofilena
Alex Johnson
Cristian Tharin

Contact Team
The aim of this project is to expose society to soft robotics by creating a user-friendly toy that is completely air-powered for children 6-12 years old, in order to spark their interest in engineering and revolutionize the toy industry. The team built a toy dog, in which the user can control its tail wagging and tongue licking motions.
Final Product of Toy Dog

Triton Solar Car Front Suspension System

2021-2022 - Winter

Team: 4

Team Members

Vivian Chou
Leonardo Duga
Tsz-Wai Kwok
Zhenlin Liu
Shenglin Yang

Solar Cars are designed to be extremely aerodynamic and lightweight as possible, to maximize efficiency using available energy from the sun. As the Solar Car is a road vehicle that will be run on freeways, it must be able to withstand loads from uneven road conditions, while protecting the driver and the car. The suspension systems designed in this project must meet these requirements, and additional objectives were considered to optimize performance.
Image showing left and right views of redesigned front suspension system attached to a single wheel.

SIO Drone-Based Air Sampling Device

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 15

Team Members

Colleen Wolfe
Rachel Luu
Rhianne Purificacion
Tristan Kinney

Contact Team
The Keeling and Weiss Labs at Scripps Institute of Oceanography are world-renowned for their work in tracking the rise of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere over the past few years. It is crucial that air samples collected by these labs are uncontaminated by local emissions so they must be sampled at high altitudes to rule this out. Our project uses a drone as a "mobile" sampling tower that can fly a tube high into the air to collect the needed samples.
Drone with sensor and tube fixture sub-assemblies

Baseball Fielding Machine

2021-2022 - Winter

Team: 1

Team Members

Keon Peng
Matthew Mcauliffe
Phillip Truong
Hongyuan (Ray) Zhang

Contact Team
Our design allows for a more economical system that allows players to practice defensive fielding without the need for other players or coaches while still being affordable for most of the baseball communities. "The Trainer" was designed to be an automated baseball fielding machine that will allow for individual fielding practice for all different types of players.
Picture of baseball fielding machine with acrylic housing and large treaded wheel, and ball feeder

iAssay Miniature Thermal Cycler for PCR & Isothermal Reactions

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 13

Team Members

Mo Ahmed
Haojin Chen
Ben Tang
Cameron Yenche

Contact Team
The objective of this project was to design and prototype a biological thermal cycler capable of controlling the temperature of 10-50 μL of liquid inside a PCR tube in the range of 4 °C to 95 °C at a temperature ramp rate of 0.5 °C/sec or higher packaged in an enclosure of the following dimensions: 50.8 mm x 127 mm x 50.8 mm (2” x 5” x 2”). The overall goal is to be able to conduct a PCR reaction on the spot of sample collection.
Final Design of Thermal Cycler

Pull-up Power Meter

2021-2022 - Winter

Team: 5

Team Members

Elaine Carlson
Tobias Hirth
Dominic Miller
Jason Rosas
Zack Reuter

Contact Team
Athletes are susceptible to developing strength imbalances between the two sides of the upper body due to sport or injury. We developed a tool to quantify this imbalance. Our solution is a device consisting of a load cell, a microcontroller, and a battery that can be used in pairs connected to existing workout equipment, such as suspension training straps.
Image shows 2 black boxes on top of fabric pull up bar rings

ARMOR Lab Field Deployable Wearable Sensors

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 16

Team Members

Philip Baumsteiger
Carlos Guerreros
Devavrath Hemantha Kumara
Adolfo Lopez Miranda

Contact Team
The aim of this project was to design and prototype a portable, wireless, data acquisition sensing node that can reliably measure data from a nanocomposite skin-strain sensor during outdoor, athletic training environments.
DAQ System

Dermal Cooling Vest

2021-2022 - Winter

Team: 6

Team Members

Iain Coyne
Ori Asulin
Stella Yee
Yang Song

Contact Team
We designed and prototyped of a water circulated cooling vest to mitigate heat-related illnesses for personnel in hot and humid environments. We implemented a refrigeration system to replace the Peltier Plates used in previous iterations of the vest.
Image of a person wearing a cooling vest with tubing running out from a central line of valves that goes down the ches

Aerial Wildland Firefighting Foam Delivery Chute

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 12

Team Members

Wesley Chau
Raymond Constantine
Eder Landgrave
Juan Ramirez

Contact Team
An expandable and contractible chute based on the origami of Kresling folding pattern. To be used as a conical guide for fire retardant foam in the form of bubbles that help suffocate and cool wildland forest fires. This design iteration potentially allows for a revolutionary system to deploy its suppressant effectively from the bottom of a specifically outfitted helicopter to the ground below.
An expanding and contracting chute based on the origami driven Kresling pattern, designed specifically to deliver retardant foam to wildland fires.

Mechanical Design of Control Solution for Autonomous evGo-Kart

2021-2022 - Winter

Team: 7

Team Members

Ivan Rodionov
Genesis Jimenez
Haojung Zhang
Yikai Huang

Contact Team
Design, source, and install braking and steering systems for an autonomous go-kart that accepts computer inputs while allowing the human driver to override the mechanisms by pushing the manual control or Emergency off (EMO) button.
Photo shows the autonomous car, consisting of a center seat and a frame with semi-exposed components.

Simons Array PB-2B Receiver Cradle

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 19

Team Members

Shannon Lo
Nathan Han
Stephanie Cote
Ray Nunez Soto

Contact Team
The goal of this project is to understand the current issues with the Simons Array Hoist Assembly and recommend any alternative approaches to improve safety and reliability concerns. For the mechanical design, the team's goal is to create a cradle that will support the receiver on all sides by minimizing major stress points and will contain lifting points for chains and straps, while also avoiding interference with other parts of the telescope.
One of the three telescopes at the Simons Observatory

Scripps Buoy Radar Project

2021-2022 - Winter

Team: 8

Team Members

Trevor Kelly
Leroy Pham
Luis Garcia
Andrew Kang

Contact Team
In the past the CDIP purchased an off the shelf Mobri radar reflector, which would end up breaking off the buoy and when attached returned a signal that was weak and not visible at a distance of 100m. Our goal was to help illuminate the buoy's location on radar screens while not affecting the data collected by the buoy. Long term the CDIP needs to see an increased up time for their buoys.
Yellow bouy floating in the ocean with a smaller round orange bouy on a metal rod sticking out the top of the yellow bouy.

Bioabsorbable Staples

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 21

Team Members

Justin Ewell
Albert Fong
Will Jones
Genesis Juarez

Contact Team
Bioabsorbable staples and endoscopic stapler modified to deploy staple design; specific to wound closure in laryngeal surgeries.
Bioabsorbable Stapler Device

Pneumatospinning Apparatus for Tissue Engineering

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 7

Team Members

Rodrigo Villarreal
Rosario Obregon
Nestor Guerrero-Sandoval
David Pope

Contact Team
Improve the experimental process of pneumatospinning scaffolds by creating a modular chamber with the ability to control different parameters. By improving the ability to tissue engineer scaffolds, this device will allow for further research and development for the surgical replacement of torn menisci.
Pneumatospinning Apparatus for Tissue Engineering

Digital Canine CPR Performance System

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 9

Team Members

Ahmed Chowdhury
Kevin Cordada
Andrew Kang
Leslie Lopez

Contact Team
Rescue Critters ® is a company that manufactures animal mannikins for training purposes, most notably health education services. These devices are meant to give the user the ability to hone their skills and knowledge without harming real life animals. Existing CPR models are used as first aid training devices. These models have working lungs and simulate mouth-to-snout resuscitation.
The image provided is the final prototype that showcases the external and internal electrical units on the canine mannikin.

Novel Otoscopy Skills Trainer

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 4

Team Members

Jordan Luk
Nathan Chiu
Matthew Lau
Hao Guan

The purpose of this project is to develop a novel otoscopy skills trainer to help improve the ear exam skills of medical students and residents.
Novel Otoscopy Skills Trainer

Triton AI Autonomous GoKart

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 3

Team Members

Adrian Castaneda
Jack Griffin
Hanson Nguyen
David Qiao

Contact Team
Triton AI is a student organization at UCSD, led by academic advisor Dr. Jack Silberman, that focuses on learning artificial intelligence and applying that knowledge towards competing in various robot competitions. Our task is to make a reliable electric kart for the software team to develop AI algorithms and compete in Autonomous Electric Kart Racing events.
Image of Triton AI Autonomous Electric Kart

Next-gen Respirator For Healthcare Workers

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 2

Team Members

Haofeng Chen
John Souza
Changhong Chen
Yi Mao

Contact Team
During the COVID-19 pandemic in recent years, despite being provided with N95 masks and other personal protective equipment, many health care workers were still infected with COVID-19, some even had debilitating situations and ended up staying in an ICU unit for emergency care. Thus, this project’s main objective is to redesign and improve the current respirator designs and bring quality working conditions for all health care workers.
The image shows the designed respirator, the testbed, and the head model

Tracheostomy Humidification

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 5

Team Members

Liam Mathers
Brady Walther
Victor Magallanes
Tra Luong

Contact Team
This device is responsible for humidifying the airways of tracheostomy patients in intensive or long-time acute care facilities. It serves as proof of a more efficient, quiet, and portable replacement to the current device used in hospitals. Rather than using compressed oxygen for water atomization and transport, this device utilizes a micro aperture piezoelectric crystal for water atomization and a small pump coupled with a customized Venturi device for water transport.
Solidworks assembly of the final prototype. It displays all major components of the system including, the crystal housing, venturi device, pump, etc.

Manufacture and Characterization of a Rolling Diaphragm Actuator for MRI Procedures

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 1

Team Members

Paul Barraza
Joshua Estrada
Jeffrey Chen
Jack Weng
Surya Vohra

Contact Team
MRI machines are underutilized for conducing procedures like biopsies due to their lack of access points and compatible materials. Robots, such as that of the Yip Lab, are being developed to enable doctors further range of motion within the MRI chamber, but there are several complicating factors to be considered. This project seeks to dive deeper and evaluate the feasibility of the rolling diaphragm actuation mechanism of the Yip Lab robot.
Diagram of a hand pushing one end of a rolling diaphragm actuator. Air and water filled sections are highlighted.

Fenestrated Escharotomy Instrument

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 11

Team Members

David Li
David Protonotarios
Paige Swyney
Zachary Daley

Contact Team
The material properties of human skin when exposed to flames or high temperatures change and lose their necessary elasticity. An area of interest is the chest and torso skin, where burnt skin can cause tightness in the chest and impede normal breathing. We seek to develop an incision device to produce a mesh pattern on the surface of the skin to allow for expansion and relieve pressure from the tightening of the skin.
Image of Final Prototype

Continuous Scan Sound Array

2021-2022 - Spring

Team: 6

Team Members

Ayush Gaggar
Gautam Rajesh
Pedro Bernal
Arvin Qui

Contact Team
This project focuses on designing and manufacturing a continuous scan sound array, as a technological advancement to traditional stationary sound arrays. ATA engineers can use beamforming to create a mesh of “virtual” mics, significantly increasing the resolution of results while decreasing the overall cost and acoustic reflections of the array.
Physical representation of continuous scan array, with microphones and wiring visible.