Previous ASME Award Winner

Capstone Design Projects

Poseidon's Bidet

2023-2024 - Winter

Team: 9

Team Members

Andy Chacon
Kibo Chen
Evie Gedminas
Adam Walker

Contact Team
A mechanical cleaning prototype for OceanWell, a start-up focused on energy efficient methods of desalination to supply drinking water to water-stressed regions. This device will be used to test methods for cleaning biofouling off of OceanWell's LifeSafe intake filter. It features a linear motion axis, water jets with 3 degrees of freedom, and interchangeable brushes to try out different cleaning methods.
Poseidon's Bidet Image

Project Tortas: Flattened Duct for Engine Build-Up

2023-2024 - Spring

Team: 28

Team Members

Daniel Na
Daniel Nguyen
Joseph Edjan
Tammy La

Contact Team
Collins Aerospace, a subsidiary of Raytheon Technologies, specializes in designing and servicing systems for various aircraft. To enhance the efficiency of turbojet engines, they are focusing on investigating the feasibility of flattening air ducts to route through tight spaces more effectively. The final deliverable is a sensitivity study of the factors that contribute to maintaining the original duct's characteristics while fitting within certain boundaries to support the sponsor's decisions.
Photo of Assembled Test Setup with Oval Duct and Electronics

The Grounded Conductive Shield for the Radio Frequency Plasma Source

2023-2024 - Spring

Team: 6

Team Members

Team Member 1 - Haochen Bai
Team Member 2 - Julissa Villalobos Valencia
Team Member 3 - Xiran Wang
Team Member 4 - Ziguang Zhu

Contact Team
This MAE 156AB project will redesign the grounded electrically conducting shield around the antenna for easy removal and replacement, ensuring it maintains effective radio frequency (RF) shielding of 13.56 MHz, so sensors can operate efficiently during experiments.
The four components assembled together for the radio frequency aluminum shield.

Autonomous Rail Robot Transportation Network for Spacecraft Servicing and Inspection

2023-2024 - Winter

Team: 1

Team Members

Erik Lovekin
Eesa Khan
Rahul D’Souza
Ali Kattee

Contact Team
Current orbital programs lack the ability to economically and autonomously access all parts of a satellite for servicing and inspection. The proposed system is an autonomous, self-constructing rail system that can reach any Point Of Interest (POI) on a host satellite. Single-function robots perform operations at this location, after which the rail is relocated to access another POI. The system enables failure diagnosis, extends host lifespan, and reduces severity of hardware failure.
3D render of proposed autonomous satellite servicing system in use on a satellite in-orbit. Two rails have been built out, one being utilized by a robotic arm to reach a point of interest on the satellite and service it, and the other one being extended by the assembly robot to another point of interest.

Mechanoluminescent Material

2023-2024 - Spring

Team: 25

Team Members

Kate Cone
Ted Fukami
Max Go
Bennett Manalo

Contact Team
Zinc Sulfide (ZnS) in a silicone base yields an elastomer with mechanoluminescent properties. This means that when it experiences stress, the material emits light! We wanted to use this special property to create a proof of concept application for alternatives to battery-powered light-up products.
Mechanoluminescent Bike Tire Design

Hybrid Kapitza Pendulum

2023-2024 - Spring

Team: 1

Team Members

Eric Leung
Karthik Srinivasan
Joseph Pallan
Imam Jahan
Andy Vu

Contact Team
The team implemented closed loop control for a Kapitza's pendulum using feedback from a capacitive encoder to create the world's first globally stable Kapitza's pendulum using hybrid dynamical control theory. Thus, the pendulum was capable of stabilizing in the inverted position regardless of its starting point.
Visual of Kapitza pendulum and associated components.

Accessible Enclosure System

2023-2024 - Winter

Team: 5

Team Members

Zach Coopwood
Zachary Fox
Albert Chang
Quynh Nguyen

Contact Team
Team Inspiration is designing an autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) to compete in RobotX 2024 International Maritime Challenge. The team’s 2022 overhead mounting solution faced accessibility and signal interference issues. This project seeks to mount and protect the sensors and electrical components with an undermount solution for increased modularity and accessibility, without compromising structural integrity or water resistance.
Accessible Enclosure System ON a 16' Autonomous Surface Vessel

Enclosed Cell Stretcher

2023-2024 - Spring

Team: 2

Team Members

Carla Mae Alarcio
Zachary Bohedba
Sam Ford
Logan Lavine
Hayden Tankersley

Contact Team
Professor Geno Pawlak and the Experimental Biofluidics Lab are studying the genetic expression of biological cells under three biomechanical forces (pressure, shear stress, and cyclic stretching) in order to develop pharmaceuticals that can help manage Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. The enclosed cell stretcher prototype is able to apply all 3 forces simultaneously, inducing flow and pressure across a cell membrane while also cyclically stretching it.
Enclosed Cell Stretcher Final CAD Assembly

Automation of a Glow Discharge Spectrometer

2023-2024 - Spring

Team: 4

Team Members

David DeHaro
Eric Montejo-Francisco
Louis King
Micah Cerros

Contact Team
Collaborated with the UCSD NanoEngineering Department to automate the sampling process of the GDS900 spectrometer, optimizing the HT-Read research methodology, particularly in verifying the composition of AI-generated 3D-printed metal alloy samples. This automation enhanced process efficiency and increased the likelihood of discovering optimal metal alloys.
3-axis gantry with control box and control buttons

Gradwell Drive-By-Wire Go-Kart

2023-2024 - Winter

Team: 3

Team Members

Seth Siev
Eddy Rodas-Lima
Samashti Patel
Ziye Liu
Patrick Nguyen

Contact Team
DRIVR is a startup that focuses on the idea that combines the experience of VR and Real life. The driver wears a VR headset while sitting in an actual go-kart and views a simulated course and any inputs from VR are translated to the go-kart.
The project focuses on the mechanical/electrical aspect of the go-kart. The aim was to build a fully electric go-kart that incorporates Drive, Steer, and Brake-by-wire.
Drive-By-Wire Go-kart with the team (around the go-kart) and sponsor (in the go-kart)

Thrust Vector Control Module for a Rocket Engine

2023-2024 - Spring

Team: 32

Team Members

Omeed Shahhosseini
Setekh Karaismailoglu
Claire Wang
Georgia Prewitt

The goal of this project is to develop a thrust vector control module that can rotate a rocket engine to guide the sponsor’s Riptide vehicle in the desired directions. The module has to allow 7° radius gimbaling from the central axis of the Nephas engine, withstand 2000 lbf thrust force for 15 seconds while drawing a circle, and use the two linear actuators provided by sponsor.
Photo of thrust vector control module mounted on a PLA engine

CRANE 3 - An 8-Axis Robot for Lung Biopsies within CT Scanners

2023-2024 - Spring

Team: 27

Team Members

Arjun Naageshwaran
Muhammand Bintang Gemilang
Brian Fader
Steven Molotnikov

Contact Team
An 8-Axis Robot for Lung Biopsies within CT Scanners
CRANE v1 prototype performing needle emplacement on a surgical dummy within the bore of a CT scanner

Ionic Cleaning System for Optical Surfaces

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 2

Team Members

Manuel D. Ochoa-Ochoa
Roberto S. Medina
Erik D. Mauricio Jimenez
Luis E. Cruz Acosta

Contact Team
Final Design of the Low Cost Ionizing Unit

Sound Imaging's MRI Visor

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 3

Team Members

Blake Iwaisako
Isaac Kim
Kevin Nouneh
Ibrahim Shalwani
Ryan McKinney

Render of the MRI Visor

Elephant Behavior Monitoring Anklet

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 20

Team Members

Janet Hawatmeh
Jason Howard
Tara Len
Christina Neil
Jolie Tran

Design and fabrication of an elephant anklet to encase a sensor stack collecting inertial data to monitor elephant health.
Elephant Behavior Monitoring Anklet

Microinjector System to Study Cell Migration

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 4

Team Members

Craig Mack
Allen Chu
Thuan Quach
Jonathan Taraz

Contact Team
The creation of a microinjector system to study cell migration is a project sponsored by Dr. Tracy Handel, Dr. Rina Salanga, and Dr. Leire Borrega Roman, who work at Handel Lab in UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy. They have identified a need for a more robust research tool that would allow for detailed studies of a cells’ journey to higher chemokine gradient, rather than observing only the beginning and end results.
Assembled Final Product

TritonAI Autonomous Racing eVGoKart Emergency Brake

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 24

Team Members

Sebastian Lee
Angel Ramirez
Nicholas Vo
Alex Wang

Contact Team
Emergency Brake Final Design

Low Cost Microsurgical Training Instrument

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 5

Team Members

Allison Lee
Christina Tensfeldt
Suhayb Adan
Ryan Tran

Low Cost Microvascular Training Clamp, a realistic training alternative to surgical grade clamps. Hoping to improve healthcare curriculum and ultimately, patient outcomes.
Final Clamp Design

FSAE Electric Vehicle Accumulator Container

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 10

Team Members

Jack Hecker
Austin Shukla
Kevin Liu
Matthew Myrhum
Noah Dilworth

Contact Team
A first-gen prototype of an FSAE compliant battery pack for UCSD's formula team to build off of as they transition toward EV production
Prototype Model of Accumulator Container

3D Terrain Scanner

2022-2023 - Winter

Team: 5

Team Members

Jamie Doan
Christopher Gleaton
Aditya Shah

Contact Team
We have been tasked with the development of a portable 3D scanner using a camera and laser in order to obtain topographic data for small-scale (<0.5 square meters) field locations. The device will connect to a laptop and output topographic data in a text file. This data can be used to track and/or model paths of motion for insects as well as biologically-inspired microrobots to support the research efforts of Gravish Lab.
Assembled Device without Electronics Housing

Neonatal Resuscitator

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 6

Team Members

Ahmed Cheruvattam
Howard Tsang
Umar Usman
Warren Chang

CAD Assembly of Neonatal Resuscitator

Mock Flow Loop for Novel Endovascular Surgery Graft Creation

2022-2023 - Winter

Team: 6

Team Members

Leonard Bathke
Sofia Lake
Gary Lu
Jacob Marquez

Contact Team
3D model of an aorta afflicted with a thoracic aortic aneurysm

James Webb Space Telescope Replica

2022-2023 - Winter

Team: 8

Team Members

Team Member 1: Natalia Bautista
Team Member 2: Jian Qin
Team Member 3: Benjamin Noriega
Team Member 4: Yuhuai Song

Contact Team
The main objective of the project is to build a replica of the James Webb for the purpose of demonstrating to people outside of the realm of engineering how telescopes similar to it captures amazing images like those that have been released recently. The replica is to reflect laser light from distant locations within a room, sport a similar structure/folding mechanism.
James Webb Replica, meant to reach principles of reflecting telescopes.

Orthopedic Fracture and Dislocation Reduction Trainer

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 7

Team Members

Michael Zeng
Manuel Secundino Delgado
Weisen Liu
Marcela Muñoz Martinez

The team has developed a 3D-printed orthopedic trainer for medical students. It simulates "nursemaid's elbow," a children's radial head subluxation, and instructs on the "supination technique" for correction. The left-arm prototype provides real-time feedback with a 'click' sensation and sound to mimic actual treatment procedures, replacing the radius bone with a special mechanism for accuracy and aesthetics.
Final Assembled Prototype

Design of a Miniature Flow Control Valve

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 26

Team Members

Bora Gursel
Manoel Aguirre Lara
Michael Gigoux
Matthew Cordova
Anannaya Vij

This project, in collaboration with and sponsored by Cohu, focuses on development and
subsequent integration of a remote actuated flow valve into a self developed test stand in order to test
semiconductors, thermal subsystems, and semiconductor automated test equipment to be used
by a wide range of industries, including but not limited to automotives, and aerospace.
CAD Visualization of Valve and Actuator

UCSD Scripps Ultra-quiet Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

2022-2023 - Winter

Team: 7

Team Members

Amanda Kerlee
Yash Mhaskar
Sukhraj Sekhon
Katada Siraj

Contact Team
An ultra-quiet autonomous underwater vehicle capable of identifying, tracking, and imaging objects to be used to study and track fish up to 100 m deep.
SeaLion - Ultraquiet AUV

The Dark Cool Helmet

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 8

Team Members

Yazan Farkh
Samuel Scott
Kyle Webster
Frederick Wrightson

Contact Team
The "Dark Cool Helmet" Project, sponsored by Wearable Sensing, aims to improve their fNIR+EEG headset product's reliability. Designed to prevent sensor saturation from sweat or light intrusion, the project also prioritizes user comfort, marketability, and product longevity. By utilizing active cooling and light-blocking subsystems, combined with custom and off-the-shelf components, the helmet promises an affordable, reliable solution.
Assembled Final Prototype

Illumina Fluid Cartridge Project

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 21

Team Members

Bryson Pierce
Chen Liu
Josie Han
Syed Rizvi

Contact Team
Illumina shipped their fluid cartridges with dry ice to keep reagents at the right temperature but due to environmental impact and shipping costs, the company decided to use lyophilization. The reagents are dehydrated and rehydrated back on site so the company needs an efficient mixing strategy to make genome sequencing more efficient.
Annotated image of Cartridge

Air Powered Soft Robotic Toy

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 22

Team Members

Sofia Guerrero
Gabrielle Hart
Drago Vasile
Hector Arredondo
Antoinette Gautier

Contact Team
The goal of this project was to improve on the design of the "Huggable Pet", a soft robotic toy for children ages 6-12 that is designed to hug using a completely air powered system.
Sammy the Sloth

SE ARMOR Lab Smart Pill Bottle

2022-2023 - Spring

Team: 23

Team Members

Johnny Nguyen
Gabe Dommes
Jayden Wood
Alec Bronson Wheelan

Contact Team
Partnering with UC San Diego's Active, Responsive, Multifunctional, and Ordered-materials Research (ARMOR) Lab and SANO Healthcare Consultants, our project aims to produce a custom pill bottle cap that is able to dispense a single pill at a time for different types and shapes of pills, and be operated by one hand with a low-cost multifunctional cap
Smart Pill Bottle Cap placed on prescription pill bottle on white background